Thursday, October 24, 2024

Day 53, Thurs, Oct 24, 2024: Mill Meadow Reservoir to

We have decided we are heading home now since we have to be back by November 12th for a court date. Stopped in Green River, Utah for errands: gas, MELONS/crenshaw, ice cream, propane at ace hardware.

Then off to head to Black Canyon of the Gunneson in Colorado for first come first served camping. Water is off this time of year. No generators...ummm we may have to run it!

So the drive up to the south campground was up, up, up on skinny ass road. We are staying two nights. Here is my review of campground. We checked out loop A, B, C. Most all the trees need trimming in the south campground. Most campsites are not very long; we have a 30 foot class C with two slides on one side. Someone with slides on both sides would not be a good fit for here. It is more set up for small trailers and tents....not todays big units. Some sites are pull through but you will scrape your rv so bring lopers! Most seem to be rv's parked next to your site (next to the road); we have one of those. There are some back ins. $20 with old guy pass for two nights. I shouldn't complain I guess. We will use the trash and recycling. Bear boxes. A total of 12 campers in various units and several tents. Drove part of the rim trail in jeep.

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