Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Day 44, Tuesday, oct 15, 2024: South of Vernal Utah to

Quiet night until about 6:30 am. When all the cars started and some trucks. We are right next to 191 so...yeah. In the end after moving onward, we could have stayed in a gravel pull out just off 191 and just south of Duschene, Utah. Before that there was lots of Rez so that would have been a no.

Route 191 south of Duschene took us gradually uphill in a valley of sorts. From there it began to just climb until we hit 9,000+ feet at Indian Summit. LOTS of oil trucks transporting in both directions with MANY oil operations in the area. The down, down, down part was slow for many miles.

Stop for gas in Helper and Walmart in Price. We had ZERO verizon cell service from south of Vernal to just before Helper. Must have been rez and ATT service.

We decided to reroute due to potential for rain. Meadow Warm Springs was now our destination. We arrived around 4pm and walked around to have a look. After arriving at the destination we see that people had no problem buggaring up the roads in...deep ruts. Cars still drove in. Our class A was a big fat NOPE so we set up in entry area. 3 pools. David will test them out tonight. I may or may not after his review.

We discovered that our tail pipe was missing after arriving. Red lights on wall, generator quit. Inspection by David revealed the tail pipe was GONE. While he ruminated on that, he decided first step was to backtrack back to the lumpy surfaced gas station in Meadow, UT. He asked there and nothing and even checked dumpster. As he carefully drove back to our parking spot at the warm spring he kept his eyes peeled (like he had when he drove out) for the pipe. It was roughly 2 feet long and curved. BINGO, he found it...more visible on the return trip due to the angle. A visit to the hardware store in Fillmore got us a replacement bracket to secure it. He had it back on in short time. Time for a soak in the warm spring.

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