Sunday, September 15, 2024

Day 14, Sunday, Sept 15: Lake Michigan recreation area/12 mile beach campground at Picture Rocks National Lakeshort

Good sleep and quiet...road noise is just white noise. Left Lake michigan and dumped our tanks at Lake Brevort campground. The ride to 12 mile beach included a quick stop for groceries and a stop in Grand Marais. Grand Marais is a nice small town on Lake Superior with gas, small groceries, propane, restaurant but could not find an outdoor camping rug anywhere (ours sits forgotten in shed at “home”). We will pick up one at Walmart after our one week stay here.

Site 16 here at Twelve mile beach is a lovely spot on Lake Superior...walk down, down, down the dune to the lake. I was greeted quickly by a few biting flies! Hot 86 today (I am suffering here) and no electric but solar/generator cooled us off when we got here and later for sleeping. Swimming tomorrow or tonight if I really need to cool down. We have seven nights here (down from last years 14 nights).

Tonights dinner is mexican corn salad on corn torts with cheese and mango salsa...except for the cilantro, it is a dump meal...crank up generator to heat it up (or not).

Post dinner temp check in rv with fans running and all windows open...a HOT HOT HOT 87! Okay, I am going in the overheated. Down, down, down the dunes we went and right in....guessing it was about 60 degrees but after the initial COLD my body was just so hot that even after 10? minutes I still was not cold. Lake Michigan was warmer at 70 degrees but we didn't go in thinking that was cold. Air temp at lake michigan was cooler. Thankfully soon after our return to rv temps began to cool a little with the sun not directly on rv. Approximately 60 degrees overnight.

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