Thursday, November 5, 2015

Day 33: Owens Valley, CA to Alabama Hills, CA

Day 33:
October 29, 2015:  Owens Valley to Alabama Hils, CA
Last night I barely slept.  The wind whistled pretty much all night.  Around 3 am just when I thought it was calming down and I would get some good sleep, the wind picked up and the rv rocked. Up at 6 am.

Manzanar Historic Site
First stop Manzanar Historic Site.  This was a museum (well done I think) of the Japanese internment.  After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the US government rounded up west coast Japanese people and put them in various internment camps to ensure they caused no trouble.  It didn’t matter that ½ of the people collected were under 18 or that more than ½ were already US citizens. 

 When the decided to close the camp, they gave each person $25 and a pat on the back.  That is my short version.  Want more info…google it!  This museum chronicled their lives in camp and to some degree afterward.
Being that this was Thursday, we decided after lunch to go to this night’s overnight spot in the Alabama Hills of California.  Weekends increase the numbers at all kinds of camping spots.  

Cell services is dismal but we can text if we stand on a high rock.  The Alabama Hills is the site of many movie and tv show filmings.  Lost in Space was one of them (remember those tall spires of weird rock).  We carefully chose a spot (some of which were taken already) that might protect us from the wind that is still blowing.  We took a walk of our choosing picking our way amongst the  big rocks (calcium carbonate I believe).  Our aim is to stay here for a few nights as this is a weekend coming up and there are lots of people in California.
Alabama Hills boon docking
Our camping spot for the next few days has a view of Mt. Whitney (highest mountain in the lower 48).  14, 494 feet and David thought he might hike it but it is getting late in season and we really need a tow vehicle for that adventure.  It is a LONG day hike and he is not prepared should he somehow not get down in time.

diy hiking in the Alabama Hills

The End

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